Obiter Dicta Issue 6 - November 18, 2013 | Page 4

PAGE 4 news Remembering Professor Michael Mandel CITLALLY MACIEL News Editor assault” in criminal law and was calling for a re-examination of the language used in this context. Professor Mandel was not in agreement with the article and, as per his usual style, he fervently explained the class why. While some seemed puzzled by his state- LAST YEAR, before starting my first year of law school, I received from Osgoode information concerning my courses and the professors who were teaching them. I eagerly searched each of them on Osgoode’s website. I remember reading Professor Mandel’s bio and thinking how interestingly odd it was (odd in a good way of course). I am not able to recall the details and could not go back to the website to refresh my mind (it seems like it has been taken down). However, anyone who knew Professor Mandel would probably agree with me that he was anything but conventional. Indeed, his class ended up being the most interTHE LATE PROFESSOR MICHAEL MANDEL esting one of all. For one, it was the only one in my section where heated debates took place. ments, others expressed some criticism. As Despite the crudeness of the cases covered, usual, Professor Mandel had accomplished to there is nothing about criminal law that is instigate controversy. In the end, however, he notoriously more controversial than other cleverly confronted his opponents. courses. Whether a course instigates debate A few days before that class, I had read or not is pretty much dependent on the way the article and I instantly knew that he the topics are presented. That is to say, would have something to say about it. I courses can be taught mechanically or they decided to email him the link and asked him can be taught polemically. After all, this is what he thought about it. To my surprise, he law school. Any issue, no matter how simple, actually responded and said: “You know, I can be turned into a big debate. clipped that article this morning for possible And that is how Professor Mandel taught discussion in class, since we’re talking about his class. He was daring, critical and some- sexual assault. I think there’s a lot of con