Obiter Dicta Issue 14 - April 7, 2014

Vol 87 Issue 14 April 7, 2014 The Definitive Source for Osgoode News s ay he l l o t o the te a m th at ’ s b een b r in g in g y o u c o v e r st o r ies a l l y e a r : ( Le f t t o r i g ht ) S ta f f W r ite r S a m Mi c h a e l s , Business M a n a g e r A d a m Ce p l e r , L ay o ut E d it o r H e athe r P r in g l e , E d it o r s - in - Chie f T r a v is W e a g a nt a n d C a ss D a Re , S ta f f W r ite r E v a n I v k o v i c , L ay o ut E d it o r M a r ie P a r k , N ews E d it o r Cit l a l ly M a c ie l , a n d E d it o r - in - c hie f K a r o l in a W isniews k i . Obiter insiders dish on inner workings of secretive organization CASS DA RE, TRAVIS WEAGANT, AND KAROLINA WISNIEWSKI Editors-in-Chief The three of us sat in 0014G of the Ignat Kaneff building. As the sun set on one of the last Fridays of Cass and Travis’ law school careers, the mood in the Obiter office took a nostalgic turn. After unsuccessfully attempting to piece together the events of the Dean’s Formal that took place a week earlier, the last meeting of the 2013-2014 Obiter Dicta editorial board meandered towards decidedly more introspective territory. What follows are the sage words of your outgoing EICs, as they answered my (sometimes inane) questions and shared the wisdom they’ve amassed in their years as law students. that I’ve never been out of school. I did JK to JD so I’ve never been an adult. T: You don’t have to. They send you the stuff…I don’t really read. » continued on page 12 K: Well, at least the regularity of your student lifestyle will remain. You’ll have to be somewhere everyday at like 8 o’clock, right? IN THIS IS SUE ... C: That’s optimistic. I’ll be articling at a downtown firm, and I’ll be getting there at 6:30 am so… Interview with EICs K: What’s the bar situation? Blue Jays C OV E R , PAG E 12 C: I’d like to go. PAG E 3 K: To one? ESLA Conference Karolina: So how do you guys feel about graduating? Are you excited, depressed, nervous? What’s the consensus on all the feels? C: Yes. There’s like a black box in my brain that I have filed it in. I don’t want to think about it. PAG E 4, 13 Travis: The feels haven’t really set in yet. K: Are you going to start studying as soon as exams end? PAG E 8 - 9, 14 Cass: I don’t think I’ve come to terms with the fact Jurisfoodence