Obiter Dicta Issue 14 - April 6, 2015 | Page 16

OPINION 16  Obiter Dicta Elections NormaLeeDean » continued from page 6 » continued from page 8 pad for deadly rockets aimed at Israeli civilian centres (notably with increased frequency since Israel’s unilateral withdrawal), who has as its stated purpose the destruction of Israel and killing of every Jew, and who has proven its cynical interest in keeping both Israelis and Palestinians living in fear, Israel must consider what a reasonable country similarly situated can be expected to do. For the Israeli courts, individual freedoms and security are not mere philosophical platitudes, but reality—and they have done an exemplary job of balancing the two. So much so, that law schools, legal journals, and other high courts around the world often refer to Israeli jurists as examples of judicial excellence. The Israeli Supreme Court has on numerous occasions ruled in favour of Palestinians bringing claims against the government or the military, and the latter have complied with the rulings. Indeed, democracy and the rule of law, not military might, are Israel’s true strengths: that is why I know Israel will survive. Knowing that this government was elected (though Bibi has yet to form a government) on the backdrop of an impending deal that would bring Iran closer to nuclear capability, an ever-present threat from its subsidiary, Hamas, and legal warfare being waged by the PA, while being unjustly castigated by the rest of the democratic world helps to contextualize the poll results. Israelis felt physically embattled and morally abandoned, and that is why Bibi won. And yet, I believe Israeli democracy will survive. I am a staunch progressive and a Zionist (which simply means that one believes in Israel’s right to exist in peace and security as the democratic Jewish homeland). For me, the two have never been mutually exclusive. I have never had difficulty reconciling my Zionism with my feminism or my commitment to fight racism and homophobia, for example. I am not a Zionist despite being a progressive or a progressive despite being a Zionist; I am a Zionist because I am a progressive, and in many ways, a progressive because I am a Zionist. That also means I am hopeful. I don’t know what the borders will look like, who the leaders will be, or when it will happen, but I refuse to countenance the relinquishing of that ancient hope of living in freedom and peace, and insist on being part of the proud and on-going history of this tiny, arid, oil-less strip of land I love so dearly.  u immediately, ready for the question. The informants and whistle-blowers in this story were “bold” and “didn’t back down.” It takes a lot of courage to challenge the status quo. When asked about developing the play, she notes that her goal was to “inspire people to think about injustice.” In my opinion, she completely hit the target. All the attempts to discredit those seeking an inquest by attributing their motives to less than noble reasons struck me with both sadness and indignation. “You’d think that, in events like these, those involved would try to figure out what went wrong and how to correct it for the future, but that’s not how it works,” Catherine says. “Usually, they’ll do anything they can to cover-up their mess.” After the event, we walk back to Osgoode together, through York’s expansive campus. It’s easy to get lost, especially in the drabness of pre-spring. “Nothing looks good this time of year,” she says. We continue admiring the campus anyway. I think to myself that her comment is a good metaphor for her play. While nothing looks good when the snow melts—revealing all the dirt and trash buried by winter—it doesn’t mean we should look away. Instead, we should have the courage to blow the whistle when we are confronted with injustice.  u Kraft dinner » continued from page 9 to eat. The more KD that doesn’t touch the walls of a bowl, the more which makes it into your belly, and the less which finds itself permanently decorating the insides of your fine china. Furthermore, forks should always be used over spoons. This is just common sense—with a fork you can both stab and scoop the noodles. Ninthly, in my experience the perfect drink to accompany KD is pink lemonade. Somehow its tartness is the perfect complement. In a pinch, Coke or Diet Coke would do well. However, I would steer clear of milk and all hot beverages. Tenthly, never leave cooked KD in the pot for more than two hours—at this point the noodles begin to harden and stick to the pot making it an absolute bitch to clean. If you cannot finish the entire box, immediately scoop whatever remains into a piece of Tupperware—makes for a great late night snack. Next, before eating, soak the pot in warm water with a little dish soap. Something so quick and simple will save you from a headache later. t humbs up Tesla’s major new product line—which isn’t a car! ê The finished product—a thing of beauty. Lastly, making Kraft Dinner is an art and not a science. The box lists exact quantities of butter and milk to add. Don’t be a stooge by pulling out your measuring cups. It’s Kraft Dinner, not a s. 15 Charter analysis. Once you have a few boxes under your belt, you begin to develop a finely tuned sense of just how much milk and margarine to add to achieve the proper consistency of sauce.   Some people would answer that they do not like Kraft Dinner in itself—that they only make it when there is nothing else available or when they desire a cheap meal. To those misguided people I would say: really? Try making and eating Kraft Dinner by following my golden rules. It is very likely that it will alter your entire perspective on life.   There may be other controversial points that arise in connection with Kraft Dinner, but for now these points are sufficient to ensure most are on the right path. A walk down the Kraft Dinner aisle at the local supermarket reveals many Kraft Dinner varieties: Sharp Cheddar, Three Cheese, Extra Creamy, Cheese and Tomato, et cetera… Within reason, I encourage occa sional diversity—even the addition of choppedup hot dogs now and then to spice things up. However, the Original is the crème de la crème when it comes to Kraft Dinner, and it should be regarded as such. It is a quintessential Canadian classic. For an added challenge while making your next box of KD, see if you can make it through the entire process without “losing a noodle”. It is tougher than you think.  u