Obiter Dicta Issue 12 - March 10, 2014

Vol 87 Issue 12 March 10, 2014 The Definitive Source for Osgoode News R O B Y N B L U M B E R G A N D D A R I E L L E T E I T E L B A U M AT T H E L U G - A - M U g O S C I N I T I AT I V E . 2013-2014 Initiatives of the Osgoode Sustainability Committee ROBYN BLUMBERG & OSGOODE SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE What a year it has been for the Sustainability Committee of the Environmental Law Society! Celebrating our annual green Obiter Dicta issue, we thought we would update you on our initiatives over the 2013-2014 school year. In September, the Sustainability Committee established our foundation: five sub-groups that would direct our goals for the year. We created a Campus Connections group, Osgoode Bistro group, Osgoode Campus group, Events group, and the Sustainable Awareness group. Campus Connections Group As students, we seem to operate in an isolated Osgoode bubble from time to time. Though we clearly care about the larger environmental impact of our school on the community, we often forget that we are part of York University – an institution with thousands of other students who care about the environment. Many of these individuals are part of other clubs on our Keele campus with greater resources and manpower to effect change. It was our goal at the start of the school year to learn about the other groups on our campus and see how we could partner with them to achieve common goals. The group evolved over the year to focus on an initiative supervised by Liane Langstaff and the Osgoode Society for Corporate Governance (1L Student - Thomas Felix) regarding sustainable and responsible investing. Please see her article entitled, “CSR Research Pilot Program: Fostering Sustainability through Collaboration,” included in this Obiter Dicta green issue. We are excited that the Campus Connections group has taken such focused direction with the eventual desire that York University will be held increasingly accountable for the investment decisions they choose to make. Osgoode Bistro Group Our student group is very lucky that Aramark (the food services company) has been so willing to work with us to make appropriate changes to dining at Osgoode. Our relationship with Aramark began in Winter 2013 and has continued to grow from there. Initially, the Bistro, along with Peter Lee (of Campus Operations) agreed to implement composting. The 2013-2014 school year promised an even stronger partnership. An initial meeting with Lisa Xie (led by Katie Brack of the Committee), provided us with important information about the sourcing and pricing of » continued on page 17 IN THIS IS SUE ... OSC Initiatives C OV E R , PAG E 17 Environmental Marketing PAG E 4 Olympic Postmortem PAG E 8 Jurisfoodence PAG E 12