Oakwood Primary Prospectus | Page 10

Oakwood Primary School Our School Library Promoting confident, independent and wider reading Books are a very important part of a child’s education. They enable them to develop their reading and literacy skills as well as increasing their knowledge of the world around them. This enables them to build on their intellect and confidence. “From Nursery onwards, there is great emphasis on developing pupils’ reading, writing, communication and numeracy skills” OFSTED 2012 8 We believe in creating and sustaining independent readers. We also believe independent reading underpins high achievement. Evidence based on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Program for Student Assessment (PSA) study showed that for a range of reasons, reading for pleasure is a better indicator of academic success than any other form. The School library helps both pupils who are struggling with reading and those who are keen readers but need stimulation and challenge to maintain their independent reading.