Oakwood Early Years News | Page 3

Parent Drop-in Sessions The nursery would like to extend an invitation to join us at our drop-in sessions. The children would love to have the opportunity to play with you and show you round the nursery. You could come in and do anything from reading a story, singing nursery rhymes to cooking. If you would like to help anytime or have a talent you would like to share with us you, would be most welcome. Please speak to the Early Years Manager. Storytellers wanted! Cooking Activity Fund Spare Clothes If you have a spare half hour to read a story or sing nursery rhymes to the children, we would be most grateful; stories from around the world would be fantastic! You are invited to contribute £1.00 each week to our treats fund. This will be used to buy snacks, baking items, new toys etc. Just a quick reminder to parents/carers, if you have not done so already, please send in SPARE CLOTHES for your child clearly labelled with their name to be left on their peg. Independence! Encourage your children’s independence at nursery by dressing them in clothes and footwear which they are able to put on/remove by themselves. Please ensure all of your child’s clothing and footwear are labelled. When your child visits the toilet emphasise hand hygiene and good habits e.g. using soap and flushing the toilet. To all our Nursery children who have learnt Surah Al-Iklas, the Months of Islam nasheed & Arabic numbers 1- 10. Achievements Please let us know if your child experiences any achievements outside the Nursery or Reception so we can share their success with the rest of the children. We will display the achievement on our achievement wall in the classrooms. A big thank you to parents who have contributed their weekly £1 for the children’s cooking activities. Also a BIG THANK YOU to all parents who helped with the organising and running of Sports Day, it was a great success MashaAllah. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK – ‘FRIENDS OF OAKWOOD’ Company Registered in England and Wales; Registered Number 6410625 Ofsted URN. 135539 - DCSF No. 821/6011 - Charity No. 1123924