Oakwood Early Years News

Summer Term 2015 Early Years Manager: Miss Sanah Saleem Oakwood Primary School, 117 Tennyson Road, Luton, and Bedfordshire, LU1 3RR Tel: (01582) 518800 E-mail: [email protected] Safeguarding Statement The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting welfare of children, achieving equal opportunities and combating discrimination Curriculum Information A warm welcome to all the new families and a huge thank you to those who continue to recommend us to friends and colleagues. to all our Oakwood families Its that special time of the year when we fast the month of Ramadhan and do our best to increase in prayer, reading Qur’an and going good deeds. It is also an ideal opportunity to teach our children about Ramadhan and its significance to us. The children will enjoy being involved in prayer time, Iftar time and prepartions for Eid! Oakwood Primary School has also welcomed Ramadhan with the children and are celebrating this blessed month. We have planned many learning activities and fun games to guide children to gain more knowledge and understanding about Ramadhan and fasting. Summer is Here! This is a brief outline of the 7 areas of learning development the children cover as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Sept 2014: Personal, Social, Emotional and Development I will be developing my confidence and self-esteem, my ability to be assertive and stand up for my own rights or ask for adult support. Communication and Language I will be able to talk about what I want and how I feel and will have opportunities to express this through role play. Physical Development There will be lots of time for me to play and learn inside and outside the school. I will get the chance to become good at moving, climbing, controlling and coordinating as I play. Literacy Through handling books and sharing them with others, I will recognise that words tell stories and that the words I see in the world around me tell people something. Mathematics I will learn to recognise numbers all around me and use them confidently in play and games. I will start to be able to put events in order and think about what happens next during the day. Understanding the World The summer heatwave has arrived and it is important to keep safe in the sun. Children cannot control their body temperature as efficiently as adults during hot weather because they do not sweat as much and so can be at risk of ill-health from heat. Make sure your children have plenty of cool drinks throughout the day. Try to avoid going out between 11 am and 3 pm and apply a high factor sunscreen to your children if you do go out. Also wear loose cotton clothing, a sun hat and sunglasses. Having plenty of time indoors and out I will be able to look at and talk about objects, materials, living creatures and plant life, noticing lots of details and things that are the same or different. Expressive Arts and Design I will have the opportunity to express my own thoughts, ideas and feelings through drawing, painting, model making, and wood work and by using clay. I will use lots of tools to see how they work and what they can do and will use natural and manmade materials to design and make my own creations, models and structures. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK – ‘FRIENDS OF OAKWOOD’ Company Registered in England and Wales; Registered Number 6410625 Ofsted URN. 135539 - DCSF No. 821/6011 - Charity No. 1123924