NYU Black Renaissance Noire Fall 2012 | Page 19

my mother’s breasts The Field (for Lina Medina) be bed stuy kreyol sprung from the well of penny candies & bodega catechism be a rounded vowel sound echoed off a known mattress a slippery taste hooked & dangling in the nasal passage be somebody’s waking thought be squirrels wild running cross-country be block party speakers steady Rock Steady be my sucking infant mouth be door-knocker earrings & tired blue housedress be harnessed slaveships be split calabash the serrated & silenced edge be blue city sunken onto itself prostheses slung over a rocking chair silicone packed into daddy’s cotton be science’s renegade swimming drunken & pickled in a medical lab an Aria of turncoat cells that hop like fleas amongst the bodies of my family’s feminine. Daily, Papa tames the husks of wild fields. Inside his cough sits a chronic cotton bulb, troubling his laughter. Somewhere Mama hums la Soeta; Lina feels the silver lull of this cardinal telepathy, the delicate pooling it slips into her belly. The rag doll housed in Lina’s revered arm-crook is lone witness to how the breaking of a child is much like the rending of mango skin. how the thick unloading of a field hand’s scrotum is a chain deepening into backyard pilings 17 BLACK RENAISSANCE NOIRE how at a child’s bequest, teeming hornets unfolded from an oiled rag with a steady hand can be radials of serendipity, or lighthouses leading your way out the field. BRN-FALL-2012.indb 17 9/7/12 11:26 PM