NWR Newsletter 2017 V5_Newsletter 16OCT17 | Page 8

LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE! The Sunshine Coast Morning Group chose this topic for our September discussion not knowing it is the theme for this year’s conference. We were asked to bring along anecdotes, stories of funny experiences, jokes or poems to share and have a good dose of medicine! Laughter was certainly forthcoming and one of our members took the time to write a LIMERICK about each of us. Thanks Barb! There's our teacher called Patricia Whose pupil fell down a large fissure She called in a crane And saved him again That naughty lad caused her such pressure. *************************************************** Then there's a girl called Kerry Who made some wine from raspberry When tasting she said This is a fine red And drank till she became very merry *************************************************** Did you hear of a young girl called Willi Who decided to ride a fine filly The filly did bolt When it saw a colt And Willi hung on looking silly ***************************************************