NWHA National News January 2017 | Page 4

Executive Committee Communication

Executive Committee Communication

So what does this all mean and how does it affect you ?
• Hiring a contract employee to work from home means that NWHA will be much more responsive and able to meet it ’ s members needs in a more efficient way . It also saves additional insurance coverage , unemployment benefit fees , as well as the office park rent which equates to more than ten thousand annually .
• Cost reductions and additional savings have allowed NWHA to offer tickets to the Awards Banquet this January at a much more affordable rate than years past . And with the continued success of NWHA , we hope we can continue this downward trend in ticket prices for many years to come .
• But I ’ ve saved the best for last . With the work of your High Point Committee , a proposal was created several months ago and unanimously approved by the Board . Beginning in 2017 , NWHA will no longer require members to nominate and pay a fee for High Point consideration . You just need to be an NWHA member . We are very excited to offer additional valued benefits back to our membership .
On behalf of the Board of Directors , I profusely thank each and every one of you for standing by NWHA through several lean years . We are committed to seeing this organization succeed both financially and in its promotion of the sound flatshod Walking Horse . It is our hope that we can continue to offer additional value and services back to our membership as we continue to build and grow this organization and propel it into the future .

Katie Tanner

NWHA Treasurer