NWHA National News August 2018 | Page 21

We moved straight into Jo Boucher (previous Camp Mom and multi-titled Versatility Champion), for a Trail Obstacle clinic. We learned about teaching our horses to do the obstacles. Plus the best way to approach and execute them. We used blindfolded teammates to learn how to guide our horse through cones. To cool off we swam again and ate Pizza for lunch! We came back refreshed and ready to ride again. Jessica Ellis, multi-titled Versatility Champion, gave us a clinic on Showmanship. We learned the correct way to execute the patterns and proper attire. She worked on timing movements with quarters and judge. Then to our amazement, we were able to put all the campers on horses. Jessica then continued with Equitation. She pulled kids and worked them on their position and practiced a pattern. Meanwhile Mikal and I were working campers with balancing their horses and how they can take that information home to work on their own horses! Friday night finished up with a Taco Bar at Mikal’s house plus painting horses. To top it off we had an epic Lip sync battle with several teams. The winners were to close to call. Saturday morning started off with Leon Gibbs explaining what DQP’s look for and how they check the horses. He fielded lots of questions. Campers got to see and feel how hard it to can be to work as a DQP. We got to enjoy riding again and great lunch cooked by Bobby Applewhite. Then the campers got to enjoy playing with our horses in Barrels and poles plus Jumping! Thank you to all of our campers for making this such a happy and successful camp! Also to our great Clinicians Thank you! Finally to our awesome donors, wonderful family, and awesome support crew. All of our clinicians, counselors, and support crew donated their time for the Youth of NWHA. NWHA National News / August 2018 21