NW Michigan Food and Farming Network Report to the Community 2015 Report to the Community | Page 13

2015 Report to the community Cherry Capital Foods and the Michigan Good Food Charter CCF only buys and sells Michigan products By Evan Smith Cherry Capital Foods During the earliest days of Cherry Capital Foods, unbeknownst to us, we’d already begun working toward the goals and objectives of the Michigan Good Food Charter (MGFC). This was long before a more mature CCF signed the Resolution of Support in 2010. What the six main goals of the MGFC have given us are quantifiable measurements we can use to gauge our progress towards a vision of a resilient and socially just food system based on local jobs and communities producing good food for everyone. The challenges of establishing some of the measurable baselines notwithstanding, we have ample evidence to indicate progress towards these goals in the data that we do have. As a company that only buys and sells products that are grown or produced within the borders of Michigan, we believe our growth presents measurable evidence of a Embracing the vision and goals of the MGFC is a wise choice and good business. Sales growth at Cherry Capital Foods has averaged more than 50 percent per year from 2011 to 2014. (Photo: Cherry Capital Foods) fundamental change that is taking place as we strive toward these goals. For an example of this progress, look at the second goal of the MGFC: that Michigan farmers will profitably supply 20 percent of the food purchases in Michigan while providing fair wages to all workers. Through our vendor selection process we actively engage our suppliers for information about their business practices and certifications. We work together to be sure efforts are being made that support fair and ethical 8 treatment for animals and workers alike. In raw numbers, the sales growth of Cherry Capital foods has averaged over 50 percent per year from 2011 through 2014. This represents almost $3 million additional dollars of food that was grown and produced in Michigan that stayed in Michigan. Within these numbers are numerous stories of new farms, expanded farms, and better food choices. Embracing the vision and goals of the MGFC is a wise choice and good business. www.cherrycapitalfoods.com