Nurse-Family Partnership NewsLink Winter 2017 | Page 11



The dedicated team at Berrien Parents Care created this excellent video to share Julia’s story. Baby Rowan is off to a great start thanks to his amazing mom Julia and her supportive nurse Jacque.

When Jacque first met Julia she was a 15-year-old sophomore seeking information about how she should take care of herself and her unborn child. Julia’s doctor wanted her to receive the best possible support during her pregnancy and referred her to Nurse-Family Partnership. Julia agreed to have Jacque come to the house to meet her and her great grandmother, her biggest supporter.

They began to meet weekly, talking about what Julia wanted to accomplish and strategies to meet those goals. Julia liked having someone hold her accountable for the goals and help her find ways to reach them. First, she wanted to complete her current grade and to breastfeed her son. Next, she wanted to find suitable employment and to open a savings account for her and baby Rowan. It took time but she secured a job at a local retail store. Meeting became harder with the new schedule but they persisted and continued their visits. Julia kept in touch with Jacque seeking out advice about how to be the best parent she can possibly be.

Although the relationship with the baby’s father ended Julia challenged him to be a healthy role model for Rowan. She pursued child support and he watches Rowan while she attends school.

Julia’s schedule is full. She spends time with Rowan, attends school full-time and works part-time. She plans to graduate in June of 2018. Her great grandmother continues to provide encouragement and a safe place to live. She is grateful that Julia has Jacque and Nurse-Family Partnership’s support.

“The situation did not start out great, but I’m so glad to have had nurse Jacque by my side to help me keep on track with my goals and help me learn about myself, my son Rowan, and life,” said Julia.

Julia is ready to tackle her next goal of taking driver’s education, obtaining her license and then buying herself a car.




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