Nurse-Family Partnership NewsLink Fall 2018 | Page 10

Our President and CEO, Frank Daidone, has a passion for writing and wants to share the stories, the outcomes, the challenges of overcoming poverty and more in -- Let's Be Frank. Join and share the conversation to help increase awareness about the work of Nurse-Family Partnership.

Whether traveling to meet with a family served by Nurse-Family Partnership, or experiencing it right here in Colorado, I am acutely aware of the challenges faced by those living in poverty, both on an individual and community level. As an individual or a family, homelessness, unemployment, intimate partner violence and other factors affect their ability to thrive and provide. When addressing poverty at this level, we know solutions exist and are being implemented successfully today. Evidence-based programs, like Nurse-Family Partnership, really do affect positive change. Continued

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Using Technology to Expand Effective Poverty Solutions

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