Nura Gili News Edition 26 Apr. 2016 | Page 22

Bec’s Final Address When we launched Nura Gili News in February 2013 I shared how, “We want to bring directly to you, current stories, articles and insights which reflect the quality, progression and diversity of our students, alumni, staff and participants in our programs.” During our first 3 years many of our students, staff and alumni have provided enriching, thoughtful, responsive, articulate stories across so many endeavours; stories which are read, celebrated and shared by many. Across our 25 issues to date, we’ve had 14,500 people read Nura Gili News often spending from 8 to 12 minutes engrossed in any one issue reading our stories; sowing seeds, inspiring, revitalising others and offering deeper insights. Often I receive requests for these stories to be shared again. So with permission from our authors many stories are republished and/ or extended in First Nations Telegraph, the Koori Mail, IndigenousX as well as interviews on NITV and Koori Radio. As I recently wrote, in a much longer letter to Stan Grant having read his latest book Talking To My Country: “Every day I’m inspired and learn from so many of my Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders friends, colleagues, students and the great array of incredibly diverse, resilient leaders from across the many First Nations of this land . The fortitude of your people who traverse so many challenges daily, often from the margins when rightly your place belongs in the centre; where more of us could join with you learning, valuing and building together In 2003, I returned home to live in Australia after 21 years overseas, having left age 14 in 1982 with my parents. My experiences overseas, taught me so much and opened my eyes so when I returned home here for a visit in 1999 I saw this place, the society we live in and was so shocked by what I saw and determined to play a part, however small to be a person who would foster opportunities for transformational growth and change through listening working and learning together, challenging myself and others with care, respect, transparency and integrity.” These are some of the reasons I’m thrilled for our new editors of Nura Gili News: Polly Scott-Funaki and Monique Peachey; two proud young ar