Nuntius Californiensis Volume XIII, Issue I Canta O Musa | Page 9

meet the officers!

Naomi Rubin

Naomi the Purple Puzzle-Solver


St. Ignatius

12th Grade, Post-AP Latin

Team Greek or Trojan?

Team Greek all the way... I am not a serious believer in the Greek gods, but real or not Juno is not someone I want to go against. If she supports the Greeks, I am on her side. Plus, Greek food beats Trojan(??) food.

Favorite Latin Word?


Favorite Aspect of Latin?

All of my favorite intellectual pursuits have a common theme: they are language puzzles. I love using logic and paying attention to detail in order to unscramble letters and numbers into something of meaning. For that reason I love things like word searches, math problems, computer science, and most importantly Latin. Translating Latin is like cracking a code -- I love the puzzle that the language presents.

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