Nuntius Californiensis Volume XIII, Issue I Canta O Musa | Page 33

Bethany Wingenfeld is a former FJCL member, and soon-to-be CASCL member. She is contributing to the Nuntius because sometimes the iron fist of SCL must extend a friendly hand.

I met one of my closest JCL friends (shoutout to Christine) online, and many of my others at Indiana Univeristy during Nats 2016.

Every year, I cry at the end of the farewell dance at Nationals because I remember that I have to go home the next morning and won’t see my soulmate (shoutout to Bart) for another year. None of my JCLoves are Cali natives… but all the same.

This is a love letter to JCL, and a love letter to all of you who are considering getting more involved. I don’t really know how things are done here in California, and I guess I’ll see when state rolls around! For the time being: look forward to it. Look forward to Ludi, and to spirit, to meeting new friends and falling in JCLove.

To all the JCLers reading this, reach out to any SCLer you know. Our experiences are unique and will hopefully help you to appreciate your time with JCL more. It’s true, it’s true.

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