Nuntius Californiensis Volume XIII, Issue I Canta O Musa | Page 25

A great many things happened that year, for Magistra Mullowney had just started officially teaching Latin and I was her student, and I now, a Senior, find myself in AP Latin IV and Mandarin II (as well as a little Japanese on the side from a fluent friend). I am beyond content with my decision of taking Latin Freshman year.

In blatant truth, I believe it not only opened my eyes to the ancient world but also to my love for humans and their ability to share thoughts and feelings through the complex constructs that are languages.

I, and every other individual to have ever step foot in a class of theirs, am also blessed to have met and learned from the great people that are Magister Carpenter, Magistra Mullowney, and Magister Davis, all from whom I owe my joyous love for Latin.

Seth Sjöberg is proud to be part of the Latin Family. Both his older and younger sister have studied Latin and he hopes to study many languages in the future.

I just sent his picture.

Magister Carpenter and Magistra Mullowney built up us lowly Latin I’s by the end of the school year into respectable graduates of the first level of Latin. I had thought Oh, what a splendid year it was indeed.

Now I will be off to Latin II and enjoy again the wondrous teachings of Magistra Mullowney and Magister Carpen—Quid? Carpenter doesn’t teach Latin II?

It was then, at the start of sophomore year, that the other Latin II’s and I met a man, undeserving of the lowly presence of us simple Latin I graduates, Magister Davis. A god among men, the Roman teddy bear of a man Davis led us toward conquering the language of the gods. It was this year, under the discipleship of the Magnus Magister Davis, that I developed a deeper understanding and love for the language of Latin.

However, it was not only love for Latin that emerged from the embers of my new birth, but a love for all human language. At the start of the next year, Junior year, I was enrolled in not only Latin III Honors but also Mandarin I.

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