Nueva Luz vol. 21:1 | Page 48

POB Ox 9023911 e d i t o r i a l S an J uan . P uertO 00902.3911 MANDÍBULA 787.478.7246 editOrialmandiBula néStOr OterO I @ gmail . cOm annex BurgOS PB 1 REDUCTO ROBERTO SILVA ORTIZ Projected Image: The anaglphs of 2016_XXX baquinoquio: el poema es la pregunta XXX baquinoquio: the poem is the question a collective of 10 artists pay homage to the conceptual artist roberto”boquio’ alberty. Hambriento De amores y significados el vaivén de las olas. Se debate entre Grito de soledades De adentros contacto. El exorcismo de la piel del otro, De rasgaduras sangrantes De orgasmos de la otra, le da la bienvenida a la propia De ganas inmensas… Una mirada al dentro de Ivette. una etérea espiritualidad y el deseo del ivette rivera morales Conjuros De verdades El exorcismo de tu piel 1 2016_robertoSILVAcover.indd 1 G a l e r í a N a c i o n a l I n s t i t u t o d e C u lt u r a P u e r t o r r i q u e ñ a Published by Editorial Mandíbula 2013_néstor otero: conceptos, referencias y estrategias en un proceso néstor otero: concepts, references & strategies in a process Desnudados Vomitados Exorcizados Riesgosamente Desde el órgano herido acarician. Su textura funciona como El exorcismo de mi piel Poemas de un solo trazo Desde la bilis envenenada a la vez que amenazan con el exorcismo, EricEgas 5/30/16 12:50 PM 2016_reducto roberto ortíz -silva Anaglyphs are 3D prints / Glasses Inclosed sculptures and paintings become markers in silva ortiz’s synthesis of ancient and modern vocabulariess. 2013_projected image: the anaglyphs of eric egas art and technology is the MO from his early multimedia work to his most recent obsesion with optic prints. the artist néstor otero ponders his trayect ory. Las palabras de Ivette Rivera Morales, An exploration of identity in literature, photography, and media. Bronx Museum of the Arts • 1040 Grand Concourse, Bronx NYC Saturday, November 18, 2017 • diálogo con objetos cotidianos compañía, sentida como una ausencia. a n n e x Miriam Montes - Mock Carmen Oquendo-Villar, PHD, Harvard ediciones e d i tor i a l man d í b u la 2011_el exorcismo de la piel exorcism of the skin ivette rivera morales 2001_SITU: espina (spine) / portfolio néstor otero limited artist’s editions I ediciones limitadas de artistas women in love - women in transit... in a poetic premier for the poet ivette rivera morales. 2001_el miedo y otros placeres fear and other pleasures néstor otero b u r g o s / n é s t o r o t e r o digitales 2002_diálogo con objetos cotidianos a dialogue with everyday objects annex burgos + néstor otero these two artists innitiate their ongoing collaboration under the acronym noba with this visual meditation on common objects and their aura. words & images conspire in this existencial document. 2016_the mockingbird covers roberto ortíz -silva mimicking of classical paintings that is a graphic/painting tour de force. 2017_la maraña de tu beso tangled kiss ivette rivera morales to be released in july of this year. ivette’s second publication with mandíbula is a collaboration with 15 multidisciplinary artists. PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION JAMEL SHABAZZ: BLACK DOCUMENTS: FREEDOM Andrew Freedman Home • 1125 Grand Concourse, Bronx NYC November 16 to December 9, 2017 • Nueva Luz 49 48 Nueva Luz