Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - June 2015 | Page 110

Role Playing Child Avatars Journalist: Vanatosis Arentire “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” - Dr. Seuss This quote isn’t often reflected in people’s outlook on playing a child in rp. There is often great taboo with the fact that an often fully adult person chooses to play a child. What draws people to do this? heard say, “I wish I was again.” How many times have you said this? Probably a few times. A child character allows you to do this, go back to a younger and more innocent time. Plus, all that mischief you wanted to cause when you were younger and couldn’t... well, let’s just Often people pre-judge the per- say that door is open. son behind the keyboard and monitor. They think they are creep- Here’s a few tips for playing a child ers or worse. Many do not realize character. First of all, even though it that there are precautions set by is allowed in SL, you need to check SL and LL in their TOS about such your particular sim in which you activities. My goal here, though, wish to role-play. If it is a Mature sim, isn’t to judge or point fingers, but child avatars aren’t allowed per the to enlighten people on the aspects TOS of LL. It is a protection for both of playing a child character. But the sim owner and the player of the if you find someone that fits that child character, so that events and pre-judgement, the easiest thing actions that aren’t allowed cannot to do is to block them and report take place. their activities to LL. Second, find the right type of child What are the benefits? For many, attitude you want to play. Are you playing a child character allows the inquisitive little one, always askthem to express a child-like na- ing questions about things? Or mayture that a modern world doesn’t be the prankster, always with some allow them to participate in any- kind of scheme brewing up. Are you more. How many people have you the too-smart-for-their-own-good 110 NU VIBEZ & ROLEPLAY GUIDE MAGAZINE