Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - #38 | Page 62


Story by PeytonJayne Deluca Photo by Miele Tarantal-Shinn
With a world immersed in technology , it doesn ’ t take gamers long to discover that technology is not perfect . Games have issues , glitches and , well , bugs that can sometimes slip through the cracks during any development be it new or the addition of new features . A huge part of fixing these problems is based on the users and their experiences .
In Second Life , Linden Labs has brought back the bug-tracking system they used with such great success in years gone past , known as Jira . It was the first thing Ebbe Altberg ( Ebbe Linden ) did when he took on the mantle of CEO nearly two years ago , but when we look through the tracking reports , it seems the word still has not spread far and wide . Either that , or their aren ’ t a lot of bugs !
Many may remember when we lost the reporting system and how the line of communication was severed between residents and Linden Labs , but now it is back and ready for all those little bugs to be reported and fixed . But , what has changed ? With JIRA 5.2 some of the features include a search bar to help narrow down search criteria , as well as a filter to help keep track of your open issues .
For those that have never reported a bug on Second Life , here is a simple guide on using Jira .
First thing to always do is make sure the problem isn ’ t something that can be cleared up with any of the following SL quick fixes . Be advised , this is a quick list , not all of these fix all the same issues , but you will likely be asked or suggested to do any combination of these before the techs in Jira can help you . You might as well get them out of the way so you can say , “ been there , done that , got the t-shirt ”:
1 . Clear graphics cache
2 . Change the group tag you are wearing to that of another group
3 . Go to a different Sim 4 . Clear inventory cache ( requires relog ) 5 . Relog Second Life 6 . Reboot your computer
Second , be sure before you report a bug on Jira , that you check out Second Life Grid Status Reports [ http :// status . secondlifegrid . net /], just in case it ’ s already a known issue .
When you are sure that it ’ s not already a reported bug , head over to [ jira . secondlife . com ] and log in with your Second Life information . Once logged in , click the [+ Create Issue ] button , found in the top right corner of your screen . Choose the [ BUG Project ] and fill out the bug problem in detail , stating what you are seeing , what you were doing that initiated the problem and what is the result of the bug ( i . e . what does the bug do to you ) If this glitch is happening on a specific Sim or parcel ; or if it happens anywhere you go in SL , include that in the notes . If possible , provide screen captures ( pictures ) as these can be very helpful to developers in understanding and repair-