Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - #38 | Page 56

Forcing an Outcome
When you emote in a way that leaves no one a place to go , and you even end it for them , you are God Modding and forcing an outcome and this is a terrible RP crime ! For example , “/ me parries to the left , swinging my sword down too fast for Jane to block , slicing open her belly leaving her guts to spill out upon the ground in a steaming heap of human refuse before her . Her eyes round in shock as she watches the fatal blow empty her . Unable to speak , she falls to the ground dead at my feet .”
Well now plucky adventurer , how do you think Jane will feel about that ? You just emoted for yourself AND for her , killing off her character in the process . If it were my sim in which this had happened , you ’ d get a real talking to for sure ! If this was a repeat offense , you could get a 3-day ban or even permabanned depending on how many offenses you have under your belt . God Modding and Meta Gaming are just not acceptable in any way , shape or form . NEVER DO IT !