Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - #38 | Page 52

Pips Flickr Pics Submission “ I ’ m An Assasin ” by : Marcus Stipes presence , ignore them as if they never spoke at all because , well , they haven ’ t actually spoken at all .
It ’ s in your best interests to just Ignore them ! Keep your own hard work in play even if you have to put into OOC brackets for others , something like , (( please ignore the ignorant ellipse of this other player and whoever wants to pick that up for RP , I ’ d love to RP with you )).
So often , people just stand around wanting to be seen because they love their own avatar so much , or they have gotten lost in IM ’ s and are unable to
keep up ( or undesirous ). If that has transpired for you , you have to go AFK or your IM ’ s have run amok , leave the RP environment ! Go to the OOC areas and throw up an AFK or BRB tag !
I ’ m So Bored …
There ’ s nothing quite so aggravating to an attentive , quality role-player than the lazy and / or bored one . So many come to the RP environment with an attitude of “ I ’ m bored , entertain me ,” willing to put in the minimum effort to spur you into rare RP form , for their own entertainment , not a mutually shared experience . This my friends , is selfish , and not productive !
If you ’ ve been engaged by someone like this in RP , you ’ re best to move on right away . You ’ re not likely to change them and more likely to be put to a lot of work for no real return to you other than drama and aggravation .
Let ’ s just pretend that didn ’ t happen
“ Hey you can ’ t kill me , I refuse to accept it , we ’ re doing that over again !” Hmm , perhaps that said it all for me . But to be more specific , once it happens in role-play , even if you don ’ t like the outcome , well , it happened ! Just like in RL !