Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - #37 | Page 7

Publisher ’ s Note

Scorpinosis Nightfire , Publisher
You might think that after writing these publisher ’ s notes for quite a few years now , I could spit one out without giving it a second thought . You know … re-tread some of my previous notes from years back and BAM , new 2017 publisher ’ s note . However , 2016 was such a “ best of times worst of times ” experience , that any comments I have about the future of 2017 are complicated .
I have always felt like our best times are ahead of us , not behind us . The future has always looked brighter to me than the past or even the present . Yet , as we have come to the end of one chapter , I wonder how that ending will shape the outcome of this new chapter . Endings can often become the foundations of new beginnings -- if we let them .
Now , before someone concludes that I have become a pessimist , let me say that there were plenty of bright spots in 2016 and that it ’ s those bright spots that encourage me about 2017 . For all the uncertainty and double takes , there are points of light that are spread out on the night canopy of my skies that make fighting the good fight not only worthwhile , but incredibly satisfying . For my bright spots , my light houses , my stars , I give thanks .
Even victories that look like they may be short lived now , can hold silver linings that are illuminated by my stars . My reflectiveness and perhaps yours too is not a reversal of optimism , but a statement or a notice to anyone and everyone , that love is never more effective and stars never brighter than in times of reflection .
Happy New Year my friends and ...
Scorpinosis Nightfire Nu Vibez Founder and Publisher