Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - #37 | Page 59

RP and to your budding potential friendship with this other role-player .
QUICK FIX : Go into your Preferences by typing CTRL P ( or COMMAND P on a Mac ), go to your general settings and turn off nametags and do not open an avatar ’ s profile to discover things about them before you learn it in roleplay . Now , you ’ ll be as blind to this information as your character and wow can it get exciting !
Ignoring Newbies or “ Ugly ” avatars
Have you ever been standing in your RP sim , alone , or maybe with one or two other regular players , and the RP has gone a bit stagnant . You ’ re twiddling your thumbs or joking around IC ’ ly because the RP has sort of just died off and you ’ re bored . Then , one of you ask “ where is everyone ?” OR , “ Man it sure is dead around here in SL ’ s RP communities .” Sometimes , newbies are treated terribly by older more jaded players , which drives away some potentially amazing role-players that would have otherwise created amazing stories with these bored RP ’ rs who think it won ’ t get any better .
So , think on this a moment … what all of our RP sims are missing is fresh blood … new players with new ideas and a lot of them to make things really fun ! The problem is , so many RP communities , by no fault of their own , tend to get “ clicky ” and when new players show up who maybe don ’ t have STUNNING avatars , or they ’ re just “ strangers ” and you just don ’ t feel like , they get ignored and so , they leave , never to return . Worse , when the jaded player mistreats these new people , they create a PR nightmare for the entire community . The newbie leaves , never to return to that sim and perhaps , never to role-play in SL at all . When this happens , the players who do the ignoring or the mis-treating , are creating the very problem they are complaining about or suffering from !
We were all newbies here in SL once , remember how you felt on that side of the fence . Today ’ s newbie is tomorrow ’ s friend .
QUICK FIX : Never ignore someone new who comes into a sim , even if you are not an administrator ! RP Sims need players to keep players . Players need players to have fun and
Pips Flickr Pics Submission “ New Releases from PFC & Roawenwood ” by : Lainey Thorne