Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - #37 | Page 28

Suzie ’ s 2016 Christmas Piece
SUZIE : It was totally a different ball game . [ I like it , you did your homework on me ; - )]. Button boy was a challenge , I wanted to experiment merging RL and SL , to do this I used a green screen in SL and filmed the button boy avatar from different angles . Then I went to the Film Festival , with a tripod , and canon camera , where I filmed RL opening doors and waiting for a pretend character to walk through it . It was fun and the different camera angles were interesting . Merging it all together was the hard part because not all camera angles had the right perspective , so only a few clips worked , but , it was fun doing it . I originally wanted to film myself in RL and slide SL into it , I just don ’ t have enough time in the day !
NVM : Think you will ever do another SL / RL Mix ?
SUZIE : You never know ... I ’ d like to think so .
NVM : What gets the artistic juices flowing and puts you in the creative mood to work ?
SUZIE : Usually music inspires me . I love listening to music and I can visualize how I would film something in SL . As I do , a story board emerges into my imagination and BOOM , the juices are rapidly flowing . Sometimes , juices don ’ t flow at all , they ’ re all dried up . When that happens , I don ’ t try and create anything at that time . Many people come to me asking for promos and sometimes I will take on a project for someone else but some I must turn away as I can get quite busy . It ’ s sad , I can ’ t film all the weddings I have been asked to film , but I don ’ t think people understand how long it takes to make a film . I ’ d rather do smaller amount of work in great quality than lots of work rushed .
NVM : Most artists have some kind of person or persons that influence their style of art . Do you have anyone you look up to in that aspect ?