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Artikel/article H Ü B S C H D3340 HÜBSCH Nyt showroom Endelig byder 2018 også på nye designmæs- sige oplevelser for kunderne. Hübsch er netop gået i gang med at bygge nyt domicil – stadig forankret i Midtjylland. Her bliver der blandt andet plads til nyt showroom på hele 400 kvm. - Vi lever i en digitaliseret verden, hvor alt går stærkt. Det øger behovet for nærvær og personlig kontakt. Derfor skaber vi et showroom, hvor vi kan skabe nærvær, di- alog og være i øjenhøjde med kunderne. For example, beautiful velours in deep and - We have expanded our annual collection inspirere deres egne kunder i butikken. gorgeous materials such as terrazzo, which the demand of our customers. We see in- Her kan kunderne komme året rundt og opleve vores varer og blive inspireret til at På Formland kan du opleve kollektionen fra Hübsch på D3340. Summary A strong international home interior trend is about decadent and luxurious living. At Danish design company Hübsch, the trends are incorporated as extravagant twists into a range of new products. - We will never become a 100% decadent brand. Instead, we try to integrate current international trends into our design and look. The luxurious trends are reflected in our strong focus on materials and surfaces. warm colour tones can be found in our fur- niture collection. We also continue to use beautifully integrates into our arts and crafts designs, says Daniel Henriksen, head of marketing and co-founder of Hübsch. Metal also plays a central role in the new designs. Additionally, Hübsch is making some con- ceptual changes to its delivery cycle: In- stead of releasing a collection twice a year, Hübsch is now packing all of its designs into one, all-year collection. The collection is set to be supplemented with smaller seasonal collections – in July, for example, with spe- cial focus on furniture, lamps, textiles and Christmas. and made it so large and wide that it covers a whole year. We made the changes to meet creased demand for popular basics and new items, and with one, focused collection, our customers can look forward to fewer disap- pointments of sold-out items. Also, we can provide service for our customers all year round from the same collection. This way, the products are also available on demand, which should boost sales in the stores, says Daniel Henriksen. 2018 is also the year of new design experi- ences. Hübsch has recently started building a new domicile. The new headquarters are still located in central Jutland and house a brand-new 400 square meter showroom. BOLIGBRANCHEN. | ISSUE NO 01 JAN./FEB. 2018 | 29