NU Formland - Read all about the Nordic design community NU Formland | Page 25

Artikel/article Designer Trine Mervig MORFO Morfo kommer af det latinske ord ”morf” og betyder ”form”. Mange kender måske ordet fra ”amorf”, som betyder ”ude af form” eller ”formløs”. Ordet Morf er sjovt, fordi det i sin bogstav-sammensætning ligger så tæt op ad sin danske oversættelse: morf/form. M O R F O F5214 MORFO - Morfos produkter passer godt til inspire- the autumn developing. We hope to arouse stic with a twist of “industrial raw”. The også møbelhuse og stormagasiner. Vores Trine Mervig. Morfo’s entire production is still made in rende livsstilsbutikker, der forstår at skabe stemning og opbygge miljøer. Det gælder produkter skal ikke findes i for mange butikker i hver by, så det gælder om at ud- vælge de rigtige samarbejdspartnere, siger Trine Mervig. Summary Morfo is set to launch a line of minimalistic furniture that supplements the existing range of interior products. - We are very much looking forward to presenting retailers with the new line of small-sized furniture, which we have spent curiosity and excitement about our new furniture line, says the hopeful designer What sets apart the new furniture line from Morfo is the love for traditional crafts- manship and the combination of wood and metal plus the strong focus on the impor- tant design details. Today, Morfo is popular for its home inte- rior product designs in metal, and with the small-sized furniture, the brand is presen- ting an exciting new combination of me- tal and wood. The furniture line includes stools, shelves and small-sized tables. - The style is what I would call minimali- look is simple and tight with innovative details, Trine Mervig explains. Denmark. One of the goals of exhibiting at Formland is to get in contact with more furniture and ife style stores. - Morfo’s product fit perfectly in inspiring life style design stores that are able to create the right atmosphere and environment around the products. The same goes for furniture stores and department stores. It is important that our products are not available at every corner, so it is crucial to find the right re- tailers to partner up with, says Trine Mervig. BOLIGBRANCHEN. | ISSUE NO 01 JAN./FEB. 2018 | 25