NSW Caravan & Camping Parks & Products Guide 2020-2021 | Page 122

Map 19 Outback NSW The Grandeur of the Outback Outback NSW is a landscape of majestic openness and natural beauty. Take time to explore this magnificent region where you can see astonishing Aborginal rock art, discover lush wetlands as you drive along the red earth of NSW Outback. Things to See Bourke Cobar Silverton Gundabooka National Park 0W*UHQIHOO+LVWRULF6LWH 0DG0D[0XVHXP PV Jandra Paddleboat *UHDW&REDU+HULWDJH&HQWUH 0XQGL0XQGL3ODLQV %DFN2·%RXUNH([KLELWLRQ&HQWUe Lightning Ridge Broken Hill *DUUDZDO$ERULJLQDO$UWHIDFWV Pro Hart Gallery $UWHVLDQ%RUH%DWKV 7KH/LYLQJ'HVHUW6DQFWXUDU\ $XVWUDOLDQ2SDO&HQWUH 5R\DO)O\LQJ'RFWRU6HUYLFH+4 &KDPEHUVRIWKH%ODFN+DQG /LQHRI/RGH 0LQHUV0HPRULDO -RKQ0XUUD\$UW*DOOHU\ %URNHQ+LOO5HJLRQDO$UW*DOOHU\ Fast Facts 04 120 Map 19 HOLIDAY PARKS IN THE AREA Outback NSW 03 HOLIDAY PARKS WITH SWIMMING POOLS 04 DOG FRIENDLY HOLIDAY PARKS 04 DUMP POINTS