NSCA Coach 1.2 | Page 46

PERFORMING THE SQUAT—TIPS FOR PROPER EXECUTION FIGURE 1. INITIAL SQUATTING MOVEMENT LIVE FIGURE 2. SQUATTING DEPTH EXAMPLE | JUNE 10, 2014 ORIGINS AND EVOLUTION OF THE WESTERN DIET: HEALTH IMPLICATIONS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Dr. Loren Cordain Dr. Loren Cordain is The New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo Diet among 5 other titles and lectures extensively on the “Paleolithic Nutrition” concept worldwide. In this webinar, he’ll be exploring the changes in the environment that began with the introduction of agriculture and animal husbandry 10,000 years ago. Because the human genome has not yet evolved, so-called diseases of civilization have emerged. 46 NSCA COACH 1.2 | NSCA.COM