NSCA Bulletin 36.07 | Page 4

NEWS & UPDATES PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE RECERTIFICATION STEVEN J. FLECK, PHD, CSCS, FNSCA Every three years the over 42,000 National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) certified professionals need to recertify to maintain their NSCA gold standard certification in the field of strength and conditioning. Whether you are a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®), an NSCA Certified Personal Trainer® (NSCA-CPT®), a Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator® (TSAC-F®), or a Certified Special Populations Specialist® (CSPS®) you need to report your continuing education units (CEUs) to maintain your valuable certification. Getting the CEUs needed to maintain your certification is easier than ever due to the many avenues through which CEUs can be obtained. 4 Of course, I think attending NSCA sponsored events, such as state, regional, and national conferences are the best and most convenient way to earn CEUs. You can do two things at once by attending a conference: you can earn CEUs and you can meet and talk to other members of the NSCA, which is what makes the NSCA so special. So just by attending an NSCA sponsored event, including the National Conference coming up in Las Vegas, NV on July 9-12, 2014, earns you CEUs. If you already attended another conference, such as the TSAC Conference or Coaches Conference, it can also be used for CEUs. For a list of local events, from regional conferences to state clinics, visit http://www.nsca.com/Events/State-andRegional-Events/. Online CEU Quizzes are available at http:// www.nsca.com/CEU-Online-Reporting/ on a multitude of topics. Hot Topics quizzes include titles such as “Teaching the Olympic Lifts in a Group Setting” and “Enhancing Physical Fitness in the Fire Service: A Novel Approach to Exercise Training to Preventing Hamstring Injuries in Sport.” Journal quizzes cover a wide range of topics including articles such as “Is Post Exercise Muscle Soreness a Valid Indicator of Muscular Adaptations?” and “A Needs Analysis and Field-Based Testing Battery for Basketball, Periodization for Marshall Arts.” Nutrition quizzes include topics such as “Effects of Beta-Hydroxy-BetaMethylbutyrate (HMB)” and “Introduction to Basic Nutrition Concepts to Ergogenic Aids: Creatine.” TSAC quizzes are also NSCA BULLETIN | ISSUE 36.07 available and cover a wide range of topics pertaining to the training of firefighters, law enforcement officers, and the military. New webinar topics are available at http:// www.nsca.com/certification/continuingeducation/webinars/ and include “FlexibleLinear Periodization, Metabolic Training for Fat Loss” and “Pre/Post-Exercise Fueling.” Home Study courses are also available online and can be used to earn recertification CEUs. Topics for these cover a wide range of options including “Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation” and “Program Design and Special Populations.” I am sure all certified professionals will find topics of interest to them and of professional value available online for earning recertification CEUs. There are many ways to earn CEUs to maintain your valuable certification. Tracking your recertification progress has become easier than ever due to the improved online CEU reporting system. Don’t let your NSCA certification lapse. Log in and start reporting your CEUs today at http://www.nsca.com/CEU-OnlineReporting/.