November Issue 3 | Page 53

Take A Chill Pill: If you see spreadsheets dancing when you close your eyes, yoga might be the missing piece to some peace of mind. “The connection to the breath, which is a fundamental principle of yoga, is a wonderful recipe for relaxation,” says Macsay. But this isn’t hippy wizardry. “The nervous system relaxes and the hormone oxy- tocin, is released which is responsible for the feelings of happiness.” That flush through your bloodstream is proven to kill anxiety, soothe your nervous systems and increase sexual intimacy. Although that’s not an excuse for treating Be Fit, Look Fit: An hour of stretching might not seem as strenuous as shifting tin. But because you probably spend your studio as a pick-up spot. as much time on core strength as you do on warming up (we see you, guys who hit the bench press straight out of the changing room), you’ll feel the burn. Regular practice will help turn bulbous muscles into something more aesthetic, too. “Yoga is an equipment free activity, so you are strengthening and lengthening muscles with your own body weight,” says Macsay. The result? A lean, sculpted physique. We’ll salute the sun to that. I Heart Yoga: Those 10-milers aren’t the only way to keep your ticker ticking over. “Most exercise improves nerve function, but it ends up exhausting the cellular reserves and