November Issue 3 | Page 26

The Complete Winter Skin Care Guide for Men

GROOMING your pores , cause blackheads and make your complexion look uneven .

“ Exfoliation is especially important for men over the age of 25 ,” says Eckel . “ As that ’ s when the rate at which the skin naturally sloughs off dead cells slows down .” So , there you go , it ’ s not all hogwash .

Winter . It ’ s not your skin ’ s friend . In fact , it ’ s pretty much public enemy number one . Why ? Because not only does cold weather leave you ‘ feeling ’ cold ( i . e . shivering , brrr-ing and generally uncomfortable ), it wreaks havoc on your skin too .

“ Your skin is your protective layer ; it ’ s meant to keep out things like pollution , allergens and irritants , and it ’ s also meant to keep things like water in ,” says Dr Rachael Eckel , award-winning cosmetic dermatologist .
“ Winter ’ s lower temperatures and humidity levels , as well as central heating , compromise the skin , resulting in disrupted barrier function – a change in the delicate balance of water , fat and protein that makes up the skin ’ s barrier .”
Which all translates to dryness , redness , sensitivity and irritation and a host of other things you ’ d rather not deal with in addition to your crippling case of SAD . In short , skin ’ s your armour and winter puts chinks in it . But there are steps you can take to bolster your defences . Follow this regimen to thwart winter ’ s wrath .
Wash Your Face : Twice a day , 60 seconds at a time . Not just a sure-fire way to shock your body into wakefulness in the morning , washing your face helps clear the skin of oil , pollutants and any traces of product that might remain on the surface long after it ’ s been applied .
“ Men especially produce a lot of oil , or sebum , on account of their testosterone levels [ a hormone that drives oil glands ],” says Eckel . If left to well up , excess oil clogs pores leading to shininess , larger pores and spots , so it pays to stay clean .
Exfoliate ( No , Really ) Once a day , in the mornings . It might seem like a pain in the proverbial – and a load of old tosh – but a gentle scrub can help clear your skin of dead cells that clog
Baxter of California Facial Scrub ( L ) Lab Series Invigorator Face Scrub ( R )
BullDog Original Face Scrub ( L ) JoJoBra Face Scrub ( R )
Tone : Not something you do with a dumbbell , but an important – and often overlooked – step in a solid winter-beating skincare routine .
“ Toning might have a feminine connotation to it , but it ’ s basically just a marketing term ,” says Eckel . “ At its simplest , toning is using an astringent that acts as a kind of mini-microdermabrasion or mini-chemical peel , helping to degrease the skin and remove old cells .”
She recommends using a toner that includes salicylic acid , which also helps to soak up oil as it surfaces , keeping your complexion clear . ( products above )
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