November 2016 Edition of Nostalgia USA November 2016 Editon of Nostalgia USA | Page 3

Some 100 peopl e, many of t hem seeking rel igious f reedom in t he New Worl d, set sail f rom Engl and on t he Mayf l ower in Sept ember 1620. That November, t he ship l anded on t he shores of Cape Cod, in present -day Massachuset t s. A scout ing part y was sent out , and in l at e December t he group l anded at Pl ymout h Harbor, where t hey woul d f orm t he f irst permanent set t l ement of Europeans in New Engl and. These original set t l ers of Pl ymout h Col ony are known as t he Pil grim Fat hers, or simpl y as t he Pil grims.