Not Random Art | Page 72

Hello Claudia and welcome to NotRandomArt. The current issue is revolving around the problem of identity. Is there any particular way you would describe your identity as an artist but also as a human being in dynamically changing, unstable times? In particular, does your cultural substratum/identity form your aesthetics?

Yes of course. The human mobility is inside the aesthetics which is part of his life structure. Being fortunately, the bearer of human difference, it is also his own subjectivity which determines who is and how it identifies with the rest, this would be considered if we wish, as part of its aesthetics. In culture and art workers the same thing happens being a general rule. Applies for every human being.

I believe that my identity has changed as the years pass. Ive been living outside my country for five years, also impacting culturally in what I do. The searches changed constantly. We become in finding ourselves and our attention is stated to be in the place of our happiness. The issue is where we want to focus our attention and what we want to do. We are doing what we like? Or perhaps, Are we forced to follow a system that constantly oppresses us? Certainly, times are complicated and difficult in all the world... particularly in Latin America things are getting worse and slowly we are drawn to follow a model that does not identifies us, but however is the one we chose “democratically". I wonder ... Does “Democracy" exist? Clearly the electoral system is neither efficient and nor representative, but it is all we have ... and about art... there is nothing to discuss... not an issue to consider for a system of these conditions. Does not exist, it is not of interest for society, the word "profitable" is explicit when being validated any of its manifestations. There is a story of the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano in which tells the story of the chickens and the cook, where they are asked with what sauce they want to be cooked; and chickens responded -We don't want to die! - Making an analogy to the global system and in what we are constantly forced to do, from our educational practice to our daily acts, transforming us in the product of what society wants us to be.

Would you like to tell us something about your background? Could you talk a little about experiences that has influence the way you currently relate yourself to your artworks?

I was born in Chile during the military dictatorship of Pinochet in 1980. My parents and my history inevitably was linked to that history, what it was and what it means today. I have been living for five years in Argentina because I find it impossible to do so in Chile, even more, working from culture and arts. In the country where I was born education still remains lucrative and profitable, so its impossible for me to have access (and for most people who want a career). The Immigration laws and social policies in this regard are much more developed in Argentina than in other countries, and being Latin American, takes part of my main interest for migrate towards him. The fact of having the possibility to an artistic education also says a lot about a family history because it was through my parents and by the cognitive learning they gave me, that I could finish my undergraduate studies. I personally think that studying in the academy is not necessary in all cases, mainly because the decision and subjectivity of each one are always different. Art is an example of this, being at the end, the results that are forged as you want and prefer.

Concluding with this, that having no access and no right to decide what to do with

your life, can make us finally take a huge wrong decision. There is one life, your life.

The state nor the church can interfere in your decisions.

Today I developed a research project that has to do with gender studies in relation to

Latin American performance in resistance. I find myself doing the master's thesis

performed in combined artistic languages (LAC), in the National University of Arts

(UNA) and participate from this year in PAPO, Art and Politics in LPEP La Paternal

Espacio Proyecto, both in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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