Not Random Art | Page 17

Since we relvovle around the issue of communication this time, we have one more question: in yur opinion, can art change the future for inter-human communication? How can art help us make sense of these complex histories?

In my opinion art can change and stimulate inter-human communication. Art is a communal language which joins people from all around the world. The first example that comes to my mind is your magazine. It is a great initiative which creates exchanges about art between people from different countries and cultures.

Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts, Olivia. Finally, would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects? How do you see your work evolving?

Thank you for your questions ! I just graduated so I don't really know what the future will be made of, but my main goal is to keep on creating, questioning, discovering, meeting new people etc... For the moment I always have kept my models in the secrecy of my art studio but I plan to work on a project where I would create elements which wouldn't be the models of my drawings and paintings but would be independent sculptures. They would be shown in dialogue with my drawings and paintings.

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