The Art Magazine October 2020 | Page 43

With the work I currently produce the most important aspect is allowing myself the freedom to create with no constraints. This is often very difficult to accomplish, however, I try to train my brain to trust it’s intuition. A lot of the time my paintings start with no specific thought or intention to become something distinct. Through this, I feel I am able to exercise considerable freedom of emotional expression onto the canvas. It becomes a therapeutic and almost meditative practice for me.

How do you see the relationship between emotional and intellectual perception of your work? In particular, how much do you consider the immersive nature of the viewing experience?

The intellectual perception of my work is subjective, it is up to the conscious mind of the viewer to draw their own realities or truths from my work.

My real focus and interest is in the emotional perception of my work. The goal is to kindle the subconscious of the viewer through evoking an emotional response to my art. Thus, the experience I try to create for the viewer is not purely physical, but also cognitive. Art is a form of communication, and in being so, I believe that when I paint my creative energy expresses itself onto the canvas which can be seen and felt by the viewer.

It is not about my work being liked or not, that is for the viewer to decide. As long as I made you feel something I have succeeded in what I set out to do - our subconsciouses have connected on some unknown and unseen realm of our cosmos.

Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts, Sophia . Finally, would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects? How do you see your work evolving?

My aim is to continue producing art and furthering my research into how it relates to the subconscious mind. It is also vital for me to continue experimenting with the technique I am using to further learn and perfect my method. Once I am able to do so, I would like to combine my abstract art with my landscape painting - not sure how yet, but I find that very exhilarating.

Lastly, I have been toying with this idea of a public art project for quite sometime now, however, this will be a long-term project if it is to be successful.

Thank you very much for the interview!