The Art Magazine June 2020 | Page 158

Before leaving this conversation we would like to pose a question about the nature of the relationship of your art with your audience. Do you consider the issue of audience reception as being a crucial component of your decision-making process, in terms of what type of language is used in a particular context?

I was a an endless race to get my little piece of cheese..But now I've shed my rat race clothes and seek only the true intuitive expression of who l am..what l see..what l want to say.

Obviously being recognized and accepted would be icing on the cake...but it is not the driving force for what l do.

Art commercialized is a sure fire way to kill the creative process in my view.

I paint because its what l like to do..I paint that which pleases me..for the love of art not recognition.

Vincent was neither recognized nor accepted..all the while gracing the world with magnificent colorful masterpieces.

Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts, Luis. Finally, would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects? How do you see your work evolving?

Ideas swirl in my head sometimes appearing softly as if through a misty cloud..sometimes hitting me like a freight train. .The play of the early morning sun painting patterns on my bedroom interesting texture on the bark of a tree..even an old song on the radio can trigger a feeling that will end up as an expression on canvass.

l am currently working on a piece that will incorporate a little 3-D using actual body parts from molds.. along with abstract expressions. I mean Why Not ?

I love to experiment..not every attempt always ends with satisfaction or perfection.. as in life get up..dust yourself off and try again without fear of failure.

Salvadore Dali put it so elegantly when he said, "Have no fear of will never reach it".

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“Praesent imperdiet nunc et sem dignissim elementum. Donec lobortis congue fringilla. Donec justo consequat ornare sodales.

Nunc posuere mattis mi, ut facilisis ligula accumsan vel. In consectetur accumsan diam, eget porttitor justo luctus id. “