Northeast Metro Business VHEDC 2019 | Page 69

GO GREEN BIZRECYCLING GRANTS SAVE BUSINESSES MONEY E veryone knows it’s good for the environment to divert materials from landfills that can be reused again or composted — and many of us already recycle at home. But, did you know that in 2016 the state of Minnesota mandated that all public entities, commercial buildings and sports facilities recycle at least three types of materials – such as paper, plastic, glass, metal and/or organics? BizRecycling experts will conduct a free audit of your waste streams and suggest methods to improve your process or begin to capture valuable resources and divert them from your trash bins. Experts provide confidential assessments/ recommendations and help guide your business through the process, including applying for grants, ordering labels, placing bins and training your staff. pick-up services with their waste hauler, and launched the initiative to more than 500 employees across the two facilities. Contact BizRecycling today. It makes Biz Cents! 651-266-1199 I N R AM SE Y CO U N T Y, T HER E’ S A 70 P E R C E N T CO U N T Y AN D STAT E TAX BY WE I G H T O N TR ASH H AU L E D AWAY, B U T T H E RE’ S N OT TAX O N M AT E R I AL O R O R GAN I C S R E CYC L I N G . B I ZR E CYCLI N G O F F E R S G R AN T M O N E Y U P TO $10, 000 P E R B U SI N E S S TO O F F SE T START- U P CO STS. H.B. FULLER H.B. Fuller is a global innovator with its roots in adhesives. As part of their commitment to improve the lives of people around the world, H.B. Fuller took on the challenge to reduce the amount of materials leaving their facilities as trash. The waste reduction initiative began in 2016 when they first met with BizRecycling’s Recycling Expert, Minnesota Waste Wise, to identify opportunities for improved recycling and waste diversion, and continues today as they work to improve their organics recycling collection. H.B. Fuller implemented organics recycling to significantly reduce the amount of material leaving their facilities as trash. They used their BizRecycling grant to purchase bins, signs, certified compostable products, and bin liners. “This is a project we were very committed to and it was nice to learn we could start without spending a bunch of money,” commented Adam Senart, with Facilities Management who has led the recycling initiatives. H.B. Fuller then added organics recycling 69