Northeast Metro Business VHEDC 2019 | Page 56

NONPROFITS artistic expression, cultivates friendships, is engaging and accepting, enriches lives and celebrates the human spirit. continues, businesses and residents can support wetlands and watershed health. Visit the website (below) for tips on water-friendly lawn care, guidelines on salt/deicer, and info on grant programs. Grants support raingardens, native plantings, smart irrigation systems that water according to weather, and more! Visit the website for a full listing of classes and events. White Bear Lake, MN 651-779-5532 651-407-0597 CENTURY COLLEGE FOUNDATION The Century College Foundation, founded in 1973 by local philanthropist, J. Stanley Hill, helps students “Discover What’s Next!” by offering an array of scholarships and other financial supports, such as Acts of Kindness Emergency Grants and an on-campus Food Pantry. The generous gifts of individual and business donors help students on their path toward self-sufficiency and a brighter future. Students “Discover What’s Next!” After a tornado left her and her five children without a home, Rosie found her way from Joplin, Missouri to Century College to study horticulture. While taking her required English classes, her teachers noticed her talent for writing. They encouraged her by telling her, “Rosie, you are a writer.” With that encouragement and a scholarship from the Foundation, Rosie discovered her talent and passion for writing at Century College, becoming a published poet and public speaker. Rosie will graduate and transfer to the University of Minnesota to pursue her writing career. 56 Northeast Metro Business VLAWMO: WETLANDS, ENGINEERING AND CREATIVE SOLUTIONS In 2018 the Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization (VLAWMO) began a study in White Bear Township. The goal is to mimic wetlands and their benefit to water quality. As Minnesota has lost about half of its original wetlands, creative solutions help VLAWMO restore valuable function in water filtration, groundwater recharge, and flood control. Vadnais Heights, MN 651-204-6070; [email protected] PAI: OPPORTUNITIES FOR IDD ADULTS PAI (Phoenix Alternatives, Inc.) is a nonprofit organization that provides day programming for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). PAI provides support to individuals in community-based employment to ensure they are successful, and recreation and leisure activities: community exploration, music therapy, physical fitness programs and more. Due to its successful service model and the growing need for expanded day service options, PAI has grown to serve 262 individuals at four locations in the Northeast Metro area of the Twin Cities (three locations in White Bear Lake and one location in Oakdale). In 2016, VLAWMO received a grant from the MN Environmental Trust Fund. Three wetland treatment cells were built, filled with engineered soils, and planted with native wetland plants. Each cell has a different mixture of sorption media (concrete, tire crumbs, peat, clay), and is designed to grow beneficial bacteria. This bacteria, along with mineral exchange and various oxygen levels, captures excess nutrients and E.coli bacteria (canine, avian). Water exits the treatment cells cleaner – but how much cleaner? Which cell is most effective? Visit for more on the Whitaker Treatment Wetlands and to follow the project. As the study PAI was started in 1990 in response to a Ramsey County Request for Program for a day service to meet the needs of some of the last individuals with IDD that were leaving Minnesota state hospitals for homes in the community. Many of these individuals had challenging medical and physical conditions in addition to cognitive disabilities that had been thought to be too complex to be supported within community-based day services. White Bear Lake, MN (651) 407-7181 | [email protected]