Northeast Metro Business VHEDC 2019 | Page 38

THE YEAR’S HIGHLIGHTS The Expo allows participants to showcase their businesses and organizations to the community at a family-friendly event, which includes entertainment, food and demonstrations by exhibitors. The Expo is a great way to connect commerce and community. This is an opportunity for businesses and organizations to meet/greet with area residents while involving many groups including schools and non-profits. All photos courtesy of Pat Carney, Pat Carney Studio. T HE 2019 N O RT H E AST MET R O E X P O I S F R E E TO T H E P U B L I C ! AP R I L 7, 1 1 A. M . – 3 P. M . , AT WH I T E B E AR L A K E H I G H SC H O O L , S O U T H CAM P U S. HO ST E D BY VADN AI S HEIG H T S E CO N O M I C DE VE LO P M E N T CO R P O R AT I O N AN D PR ESS P U B L I CAT I O N S. 38 Northeast Metro Business