North Texas Dentistry Volume 6 Issue 1 | Seite 19

While “tax season” may imply that there is an optimal time to think about your income taxes, the best way to minimize your annual “pay-triotic duty” is to engage in year-round tax-wise investing, with ongoing best practices in: Your personal tax-efficient habits, your fund managers’ tax-efficient habits, your investment portfolio’s tax-efficient management and your advisers’ tax-efficient teamwork. You and Your Investments There are a number of personal habits you can embrace that make for tax-efficient investing. Here are a few to get you started. Have a plan – and follow it. Investing according to a plan, preferably in the form of a written Investment Policy Statement, makes everything else we’re about to describe easier to accomplish. By clearly defining and documenting what you plan to achieve with your investments and how you plan to achieve it, you and your financial team are best positioned to ignore the inevitable, often tax-incurring distractions along the way. A detailed investment plan also serves as your reliable guide for resolving any conflicting priorities when balancing tax efficiency versus other con- siderations within your overall wealth management. Avoid hyperactive trading. Bottom line, the more trading you do in your taxable accounts, the more “opportunities” you create to be taxed on the proceeds. The fewer trades that are required to accomplish your investment plan, the better off you’re likely to be when taxes come due. (See how that [