North Texas Dentistry Volume 5 Issue 8 | Page 25

Secret 2: Limit information. Thanks to our technology-driven and uber-connected world, the sheer volume of information we are exposed to every day is nearly 200 times more than we were exposed to 20 years ago! Research shows this information overload comes at a price. High-performing minds are more efficient at knowing what to block out and what to keenly pay attention to. Limit what you take in to enhance your brain’s natural ability to block out what does not matter. Secret 3: Detox distractions. On average, individuals work for three minutes at a time before being interrupted. Complicating matters, technology is actually rewiring our brains to be addicted to interruption, as we anxiously wait for the next ping signaling a new email, text or social media post. By silencing your phone and computer and closing your office door, you can actually accelerate your brain’s ability to complete tasks. Secret 4: Think big. Designed to shift between details and the big picture, the brain is overwhelmed by too much focus on details and minutiae. Taking the time to think about a problem or idea from the 10,000-foot view will shift your perspective and strengthens brain systems to generate high level ideas and transformative solutions. Our research has shown that doing so strengthens brain systems at multiple levels of health. Secret 5: Calibrate mental effort. Mental energy, like physical energy, can be depleted. Prioritize your day by focusing effort on the most important tasks while your brain is at peak operating power, usually at the beginning of the day. Secret 6: Innovate. Stepping outside your routine is important to brain health and performance. Our brains seek novelty and innovation, so challenge yourself to expand your knowledge [