North Texas Dentistry Volume 5 Issue 8 | Page 24

mind & body Flex Your Cortex 7 Secrets to Turbocharge Your Brain by Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D. Truly, some of the most fascinating scientific discoveries today have to do with the world within us: our brains. With all due respect to Star Trek, outer space is not the only “final frontier.” Understanding and maximizing the potential of the human brain is also an important — and still largely uncharted — frontier of discovery. Consider that the brain is the most powerful, most staggeringly complex electro-biochemical machine ever created. Above and behind our eyes are 100 billion neurons in a small calcium shell, laced with organic pumps, channels and switches. Until recently, this complicated organ was thought to be static and unchangeable. Far from it. Our research shows that the brain is dynamic, adaptable, flexible, and repairable. This knowledge, along with a strong commitment to applying what we have learned, has the potential to dramatically improve the mental capacity of all Americans, regardless of age, even those who have experienced brain illness or injury. Just like a mentally-challenged young man who inspired me to focus my attention and efforts on the incredible potential of the human mind. He could not speak or communicate, but yet he was able to comprehend and problem solve in a way that defied his diagnosis. 24 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | My 30+ year career in brain science and at the Center for BrainHealth that I founded at The University of Texas at Dallas has led to the development of seven scientifically validated secrets anyone can implement to improve brain performance. They are secrets because they challenge conventional wisdom and today’s societal pressures. You might be surprised at how much of the 7-Secret advice is counter to how people live and work. In truth, the frenetic, distracted way we live in 21st century America is not conducive to good brain health or performance. While the descriptions below are tailored to working-age adults, 7-Secret Thinking is also highly beneficial to others. Teens growing up in poverty or affluence, healthy older adults and those experiencing cognitive decline, and those who have sustained a traumatic brain injury are all benefiting by engaging in 7-Secret Thinking. Secret 1: Start single tasking. For those who proudly identify as multitaskers, understand that your brain is not built to perform two tasks at the same time — instead, it must switch quickly from task to unrelated task. Multitasking tires the brain and activates stress hormones. Giving your full attention to the project at hand will increase accuracy, innovation and speed.