North Texas Dentistry Volume 5 Issue 6 | Page 27

Usually, a team member’s dissatisfaction will occur due to discontent about one (or more) of the following list of extrinsic factors. Complaints will be centered on these issues: n practice policy and administration n supervision n interpersonal relations with peers, supervisors and subordinates n working conditions n salary n status n job security The second set of factors, according to Herzberg, are “intrinsic motivators” and deal with the issues of job satisfaction and job fulfillment. These are the factors that increase productivity in an employee and encourage longevity: n achievement n recognition n the work itself (interesting and challenging) n advancement n responsibility and proper team integration – or “orientation” needs to be given the time it deserves. Another factor that affects productivity is an individual’s character. Does this person possess an inner drive to succeed? Does this person want and need achievement? Is this person a self-starter? One of the conflicts seen in the workplace is when a person lacking the inner drive for achievement is placed in a highly challenging position. Conversely, the opposite scenario can breed dissatisfaction if a self-starter, who thrives on and needs challenge, is placed in a stifling environment. If this person, talented and ambitious, is not allowed to create and is not given responsibility, discouragement and frustration may result. This is often the person who moves from one position to another. They are seeking a more fulfilling career. Oftentimes a talented person is misplaced for peak performance. In other words, a person who does not excel in one position might be excellent in another position within the organization. Thus, misplacement can negatively affect performance and job satisfaction. Remember, as Jim Collins said in Good to Great: “Get the right people on the right seat”. A few items to consider: Do you have an up-to-date process in place to bring a new team member on board efficiently and effectively? If not, now is the time to create this imperative process. Is your entire team involved in the orientation and integration of new team members? By bringing a smooth process into the fold where everyone plays a role and knows what needs to be taught and when, this can offset the stress of “time” that often keeps a team member from being fully brought up to speed – this is where many are “thrown off the cliff”, so to speak, and expected to just figure it out. Better to take the time in the beginning than suffer the consequences of improper execution down the road. If you want someone to do a good job, give them a good job to do. – Frederick Herzberg Is appropriate time and attention given to team communication, training and growth? (i.e. team meetings, morning huddles, training and educational opportunities) Team members that are invested in and are given responsibilities that affect the overall growth and development of the practice will feel a stronger sense of fulfillment and “ownership” of the practice and its success! An investment worth its weight in gold. Integration. Let me say this again: the time, money and effort you put into the integration of a new employee will come back to you multi-fold. Give people a chance to be successful. Orientation, education, and integration. These three are an essential part of creating a healthy work environment. REFERENCES Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. (2007). The motivation to work. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. Jameson, C. (2010). The Impact of Training in Transformational Leadership on the Productivity of a Dental Practice. Dissertation. Walden University. Minneapolis, MN. Cathy Jameson is the founder of Jameson Management, an international dental management, marketing and hygiene coaching firm. The Jameson Method of Management, developed by Cathy, offers proven management and marketing systems for helping organizations improve their workflow and efficiency in a positive, forward thinking culture. Cathy earned a bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and then a Master’s Degree in psychology from Goddard College; she recently received her doctorate from Walden University. She considers herself a life long learner and encourages those around her to be in a constant state of study, growth and action. She is the author of several books, including her latest title; Creating a Healthy Work Environment, which will be available late 2015. For more information on Jameson’s services, visit their website at | NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY 27