North Texas Dentistry Volume 5 Issue 4 | Page 10

Photos by Ray Bryant, Bryant Studios on perfect cusp-fossa occlusion with small, beautiful cusp tips at 90 degrees on opposing fossa and marginal ridges. This ensures that the posterior inclines don’t touch. If a crown is a little high, the doctor only has 2-3 spots to relieve, and there are no lateral forces, so dislodging crowns and breaking porcelain is eliminated.” Less adjustment time. Doctors sometimes notice that a crown fits the model perfectly but is high in the mouth. Fuji equilibrates stone models so they go together like natural teeth. This requires a little extra time in the lab, but it saves adjustment time in the chair. “The New Trend” – Master Ceramists are spending more time using technology to design their own work, which makes the time they spend on the bench more efficient. Accurate die spacing. Research has shown that 3-4 microns of error creep into every step of making a crown. If technicians are extremely precise and careful with every step, the cumulative error totals only about 50 microns – but a 50-micron deviation can cause interference on the internal surface of the crown sufficient to prevent seating to the margin by a half millimeter. To compensate for this, Fuji adds 150 microns of die spacing to relieve all interferences. In order to ensure that the die spacing achieves its purpose, Fuji has equipment to measure down to a single micron. “Even though the need for die spacing is widely understood, not all labs have the capability to measure their work accurately, and many simply do not take the time,” Ono notes. Attention to perfect occlusion. Fuji Dental Laboratory started more than 25 years ago under the influence of Dr. Peter Dawson, Dr. Alvin Fillastre, and the principles set forth by the Pankey Institute. That expertise is fundamental to the restorations that Fuji creates. “Fuji’s restorations are made with a focus AN EPIDEMIC OF OVER-CONTOURING Over-contoured crowns are ubiquitous in both Americanmade and offshore-manufactured crowns. Kip Estep explains: “Even the latest high-tech milling machine that produces the best possible product will not create a concave neck. Creating a crown with a concave cervical neck requires a skilled technician. Many doctors accept the overcontoured posterior crowns that are commonplace because they don’t realize it’s possible to achieve a better result with adequate time, skill, and dedication. Fuji sends out 100% of all crowns with concave necks, without exception.” ESTHETIC ANTERIOR RESTORATIONS Milling machines, computer design, and prototype crowns are not used to produce anterior crown and bridge restorations. Anterior restorations demand lifelike translucency, ideal labial anatomy, perfect contours, and naturalistic concave necks. This level of artistry can be achieved only through painstaking layering by an elite Master Ceramist. Estep points out, “Fuji has always been a high-end lab and has catered to the most discerning clientele. About 10% of our doctor clients use our lab only for anterior work, however doctors who also use us for their posterior work receive substantial discounts on anterior cases, which makes our high quality anterior work more affordable for those practices. It is a great selling point to be able to tell patients that your lab work is done by one of the most renowned labs in the country.” “A good doctor with an inferior laboratory is like trying to win the Kentucky Derby with a mule.” – Kip Estep High-tech equipment and materials have dramatically impacted the way posterior crowns are made. 10 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | Fuji Dental Laboratory promises to simplify the life of the restorative dentist by eliminating the problems from the process of providing crowns and bridges. Kip Estep notes, “Our goal is to turn every first time client into a lifelong customer. When a good doctor partners with a good lab, every crown is a marketing tool for the practice.”