North Texas Dentistry Magazine, Volume 3 Issue 7 | Page 27

I’ve heard the “Do what you went to school for and delegate the rest” theme for years at conventions. That is a dangerous pitfall. It’s what you want to hear but it is a business myth – at least for a successful business. Do you believe Warren Buffet or Donald Trump doesn’t oversee all aspects of their business? They understand they must lead the business. Bo Bennett said, “Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.” If you are not leading the business of your practice, you are simply an employee. You are not a leader. You must not only create the reports, but understand the reports. If you do not understand them, then call someone to help you. Do you compare the day sheets to the patient sign in sheets? Do you study the bank statements and compare the software’s collections report to them? Do you analyze the credit card charges on the credit card statement? Do the bank reconciliations? SUMMARY. Practice embezzlement is dramatically increasing. The reason for the economic shortfalls and embezzlement increases are the same. Greed. We want more and we want it now. The loss of money is not the only loss when someone you trust embezzles. The greater loss is not something material. Money can and will be replaced. But experiencing a theft from someone you’ve greeted for a number of years, you’ve been there when they got married, when their kids were born, through the loss of parents, through sickness and health – it’s grief. It’s emotionally heart and gut wrenching. And the doctor and staff walk through the stages of grief. Some doctors have become sick and others quit the profession because they were so grief stricken. Are you the most knowledgeable regarding the practice software? Who controls the passwords or are you using passwords? Is the security for the practice software to its full potential? What about new hires? Are you the one calling references – doctor to doctor? Do you do background checks on anyone handling finances? Have you checked your insurance for Employee Dishonesty coverage? Speaking at a convention on embezzlement, an attendee quietly and honestly responded, “But, Susan. I understand why you want me to do this, but I just don’t want to do it.” This betrayal of trust is overwhelming. It consumes your thoughts and your time and sucks your energy and your focus. I know this because I walk through it with my clients, every step, every day. If someone really wants to steal from you, they will. But, it doesn’t have to be easy. Do not enable their theft by your ignorance or lack of leadership any longer. It is not business as usual. Be The Boss. That’s the first step in preventing embezzlement. Susan Gunn has more than 22 years of business automation experience, is an Advanced QuickBooks Pro Advisor and has written 26 books geared for professional practices. Susan, also a Certified Fraud Examiner, investigates, interviews and provides complete reports for prosecution and civil suit purposes. Unsure? Call for a free consultation. Susan lives in Arlington, TX and is an active member of her city, regardless of the national scope of her business. She currently serves as Treasurer for Experience Arlington’s Board of Directors (Tourism Bureau). Dentistry Today magazine has recognized the depth of Susan’s experience and expertise by naming her as a “Leader in Consulting” every year since 2006. That’s why we had all those lessons growing up, like taking the trash out or doing the dishes. We were trained to do the things we don’t necessarily want to do, but need to be a part of our routine anyway. It’s life. And, if you are not the boss of your practice, someone else will be and you will not like the result. | NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY 27