Nomads Constitution | Page 4

Page 4 of 26 NOMADS GOLF CLUB – SOUTH AFRICA CONSTITUTION Honorary Life Membership Committee is to make recommendations to the Member Club on its view on the suitability of any proposed candidate, so that the Club may proceed or decline to formally lodge a proposal with the National Secretary by the stated deadline for such submissions. The Honorary Life Member Committee shall make known to the National Management Committee at the 2nd Management Meeting of each year whether or not they have themselves proposed any nominations for Honorary Life membership, to the National Executive Committee. The name of the nominee shall however remain confidential. The nomination(s) and résumé(s) of candidates for Honorary Life Membership shall be in the hands of the National Secretary by no later than December 31st of the year preceding the next National Council Meeting. The résumés of such candidates shall be distributed in strictest confidence to all eligible voters within fourteen (14) days of the aforementioned closing date for nominations. The Chairman of the Honorary Life Member Committee will inform all eligible voters of their endorsement, or otherwise, of any candidates proposed, within seven (7) days of the distribution of the candidates résumés referred to in 7.1.2 Honorary Life Membership shall be extended only to such Nomads as shall be deemed proper recipients of the highest honour Nomads can bestow, and only for exceptional voluntary services to the game of Golf in general, and Nomads in particular. 7.1.3 Honorary Life Members of Nomads shall not be required to meet the participation obligations of Full Members but shall be required to belong to a recognised Golf Club as stipulated in Clause 7.3.1 of the Constitution unless he may be categorised as Non-Active in terms of Clause 7.6. 7.1.4 The voting rights in respect of Clause 7.1 (specifically to apply only to the issue in relation to nominations for Honorary Life Membership), shall be as follows. Those eligible to vote shall be: All Honorary Life Members, all Past National Chairmen, and the current elected Members of the National Executive. The maximum number of eligible voters would comprise the total of those Members in the above 3 (Three) categories. Individuals who consider themselves not qualified to cast an informed vote should declare this fact and abstain from voting. The total number of eligible votes would then be reduced accordingly and the remainder would then carry out the voting. Voting is to take place in writing, and must be lodged simultaneously with the Chairman of the Honorary Life Membership Committee and the National Secretary no later than 30 (Thirty) days before the date of the National Council Meeting. A voter may cast only one vote per nominee irrespective of the number of categories in which the voter may qualify to vote.