Nomad Internet Marketing Magazine February 2017 Issue 02 Issue 02 | Page 7




Avoiding someone is not really an efficient solution for your problems . Sooner or later you will need to face that person and resolve it , in order to be in peace with yourself and avoid negativity . However , if you think that you are not ready and you need time without talking about the actual issue , you can simply ignore them for a while .
1 . Stop responding to their calls , text messages and cut any form of communication . In case you find it very drastic , you can do it progressively or respond shortly , without giving that person the ability to continue the conversation .
2 . Avoid the places where that person is very likely to be . In case you are avoiding someone , you know quite well , it will be easier because you will know where exactly they are going and avoid going there .
3 . Try to make small changes in temporary habits that will allow you to stay away from that person . For example , if they go to the same restaurant that you visit as well , avoid it for a while and spend that time elsewhere .

A new torrent search engine has arrived on the internet

The new search service for results of torrent files is the answer for those who still remember those times ( not so distant ) in which there were great sites for these types of files . Now , is it the time for those days to come back ? Who knows if they will come back to stay or to be momentarily again , but the new search engine known as " Sky Torrents ". It is as big as the old Torrent Search Engines were or even better . What makes it very special is that it does not store any type of user data : " Complete privacy , zero tracking ( No Coockies , no javascript , no ads )".
Many have been able to get to use torrent through different websites looking for these files , and there are just as many who will have saddened with the closing of several websites that were in charge of doing the search of these files .
Sky Torrents is undoubtedly the improved version of the old KickassTorrent . This new search engine already has more than 11 million results for torrent files , where every hour is indexed hundreds of new torrents of the network , thanks to the intervention of intelligent software , which minimizes manual intervention . The shield with the approval are confirmed torrents , so they contain the safest results .
Sky Torrents is currently in its beta phase and plans to evade DMCA in the best possible way , which is fulfilling it . Therefore , the policy of the site is to eliminate any link , which is notified and may infringe any copyright .