NM CliQ Magazine September 2015 | Page 104

PATCH & FADE By: Dave Stabley I am not certain how much editing other photographers do to their images in post, but for me, that is a major part of the job. I can’t begin to relate the number of clients (models included) who have asked that I smooth out some of the wrinkles and eliminate a blemish or two in their final edits. Because of that, I thought in this issue I would share a very simple, and easy method for you to use to correct, or mediate age lines, bags under the eyes, blemishes, or rough skin - using Photoshop. For those who are familiar with the power and available options in Photoshop, you will quickly recognize this is not the only way to address these problems. It is just “another” way that you can add to your skill set, in case the way you happen to try, doesn’t work for some reason. STEP 1 Open your headshot in Photoshop, then duplicate the Background layer using CTRL+J on the PC, or CMD + J on a Mac. (This step isn’t absolutely necessary, but I prefer to work on a new layer, just in case I totally go off course, and need to start over again.) STEP 2 Select the PATCH TOOL (it’s located under the Spot Healing Brush Tool). Now using the Patch Tool, select an area that needs some help, then Click & Drag that area to another area that contains a similar skin tone, but without a similar problem. For instance, if it is a blemish we are trying to eliminate, circle the blemish with the Patch Tool, 104 NM CliQ Magazine | September 2015 then drag the selected area to an area of clear skin and release the mouse. Try to drag it to an area with similar skin texture - the texture around the cheeks is different from the skin around the forehead which is different from the skin around the nose. Try for a close match. In some cases, this may be all you need to do...the blend may be exactly what you were looking for. However, there are times when the Patch Tool can leave a distinct edge around where you made the selection, or the blend just isn’t perfect. In cases like that, move on to STEP 3. STEP 3 After you remove the selection (CTRL+D or CMD+D), or Hide it (CTRL+H or CMD+H), if the Patch Tool has left a